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History of clean it up forum?

Posted by samm (samm), 29 September 2003
I just thought now I log in almost every other day, does any1 know any history on this forum? I remember it was not always sponsered by express, was it started independant of any business/ organisation.

Anyway "cheers" to the creator.
Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 29 September 2003
Hi Samm

Yes, it was set up by Express initially as a service to our own customers becuase we were always getting asked the same questions time and again, particularly from people just getting into the industry. Whilst we can help from an equipment point of view there are other areas that they clearly wanted help with such as training, insurance, marketing support, etc and this seemed to be the best way to provide it for them - putting them in touch with others who could offer good unbiased advice.
It has of course also attracted people who have been in the industry a very long time and are keen to help others or want advice themselves.

The Clean It Up site is managed and paid for by ourselves but we do encourage involvement by all those in the cleaning industry - it is here as a genuine free resource, for whoever wants to make use of it whether they are customers of ours or not.

If anyone has suggestions on how it can be improved please let us know.

Hope that helps

Mike Boxall

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