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Moved: Window Cleaning Manual

Posted by Silly_Philly (Philip Hanson), 2 March 2004
On 2 March at 2:43am winmonkey101 wrote:

hi fellers a while back some bloke quoted window cleaners who purchased a certain manual called so you want to be a window cleaner could earn a few quid, he was told, what a load of rubbish.........well here i am again watching you work the math out and as rick rightly points out with his maths that YES you could earn £87'360 a year........reserve your copy now, its only £31.95+£1p+p........visit my web site or mail to reserve yours

Moved from Window Cleaning Issues
Posted by stevekennedy (stevekennedy), 4 March 2004
Save money on buying this manual...

Here's the secret to Warren's system... ...all you need to do is sprout a couple of wings and you can easily acheive these earnings  Grin Grin Grin

Only joking!
Posted by gibbouk (gibbouk), 4 March 2004
hey its easy to make this much money. collect together loads of tips and advice from forums and sites. make some claims about how many houses you can do in an hour, times by 40 then by 52. sell to people that believe that huge ammounts of money are that easy to come by, not realising that all the window cleaners they see dont drive rolls royces. put them all together in a hastely constucted manual and charge stupid money for it
Posted by gibbouk (gibbouk), 4 March 2004
a quid for postage and packing shows how massive this manual is  Grin

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