Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Matress treatmentsPosted by ALEXDH (ALEXDH), 28 December 2003
Hi me again going through me ideas i have had the last few days whilst getting over xmas
What level of cleaning would you chaps do to a matress and how much should I be looking to charge.
All the best
AlexPosted by nick_warrenevans (nick_warrenevans), 28 December 2003
Hope xmas went well for you
I do not get involved with mattresses, in the past have not had much luck with them. Most of the stains seem to be from certain parts of the body . I normally suggest to the customer replacing it.
i'll let you sleep on it
best wihes for the new year
NickPosted by Dynafoam (Dynafoam), 28 December 2003
The main problem with matress staining is celulostic browning from or exaserbated by the (often recycled) cotton wadding immediately beneath the face fabric.
All that is required to produce this is water and this, apart from the occasional beverage spillage or burst hot water bottle, is supplied by perspiration, urine and a certain 'damp patch' which I hesitate to mention to one of your tender years
Before cleaning any matress I explain the problem to the customer and make it quite clear that there is no guarantee of removal.
The first requirement is the pre-vac, preferably with a vibrating vacuum or the most powerful you can muster aided by 'beating' with a suitable blunt instrument.
Then Prochem B175 Browning Prescription is my product of choice. Dilution rates and dwell time should be adjusted dependant on the level of staining and extraction is with B109, preferably with a CFR tool or other upholstery tool with a very fine jet.
Because matresses are, by design, many times more absorbant than lounge suites the technique needs to be adjusted to suit. Extraction strokes should be faster, followed by several slow drying strokes and this repeated as required. I then stand the matress on its' side and turbo dry thoughly.
I would strongly recommend that practice is not carried out on a customers' matress. I also recommend that you consider that Nicks' approach may be better than mine !
There are other tecniques that I sometimes apply, including dry steam but I have tailored the above to match the equipment you already have.
John.Posted by ALEXDH (ALEXDH), 29 December 2003
Great, thanks for taking the time to go into it in so much detail.
I have the B109 and I have been using this as rinse on all the upholstery thus far.
Do you think customers would be interested in cleansan / promite or similar as a final treatment and is it something i could offer to sell a healthly matress package.
Many thanks
AlexPosted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 29 December 2003
Hi Guys
John, I tend to use a dry-foam (Von Schrader GR3 granules) carrier when I tackle a mattress.... this retains the chemical(s) you wish to use in the surface of the fabric, moisture penetration is less.
I then follow up with the low moisture hand tool you mentioned
DerekPosted by Dynafoam (Dynafoam), 29 December 2003
General soiling is not normaly an issue with matresses since they are largely protected from body contact soiling by the bed linnen.
As I said, the main problem I encounter, apart from urine is celulostic browning. The safest effective treatment for this is B175 and this requires 15-45 minutes dwell time, which results in some degree of penetration to the substrate.
Whilst I see the logic of your approach, taking into account the two factors above, I feel the semi-dry foam method to be devalued before it would be started.
The use of Clensan/Promite is certainly saleable but I am concerned about leaving any residue where the customers' contact is so intimate. there should be no alergic reaction with either product once completely dry and I have used these on occasion - but always with usome reservation and always after discussion with the client.
My preferance is to educate the customer as to the need for the growth of mico-fungii on exfoliated skin scales to render them suitable for the sustinance of mites and the need for the daily 'airing' of bedding in order to prevent a suitable cultural environment being sustaned.**
** For further info follow the link I posted in my reply to your other question last night.
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