Buy and sell used equipment here - Carpet cleaners, vacuums, scrubber dryers, rotaries, etc.
wanted powerbrush Posted by nordan (nordan), 21 February 2004
wanted a powerbrush for a carpet cleaner would like a small prochem or something similar thanks danny 01732 840922 07971 986404Posted by lee_gundry (lee_gundry), 21 February 2004
i have a ashcomb/alltec power brush.
quite good nik,needs a new cable & spring for the trigger/valve linkage.
simalar to the extracta delux.
Lee GPosted by nordan (nordan), 21 February 2004
hi can you tell me how wide it is .im in kentPosted by lee_gundry (lee_gundry), 21 February 2004
approx 13"inch
Lee GPosted by nordan (nordan), 22 February 2004
I am interested in the brush.
Could you tell me roughly what it would cost to repair? Can I get the parts from ashcombe? Also how much would it cost to ship to me in Kent?
Have you got any pictures?
Please contact me - by MICHAEL_GAYTON (MICHAEL_GAYTON), 22 February 2004
I have three for sale two are ASHBYS ,The other is about 18 in wide more for dirty pub carpets/ com. ALL working
07850601017Posted by ambassador (ambassador), 25 February 2004
I have one - Prochem 18" hardly used. make me an offer.
01428 722551
DavidPosted by nordan (nordan), 29 February 2004
still looking for a smalll power brush in good nik
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