Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.
How much will I have 2 earn?Posted by ThirskMan (ThirskMan), 21 January 2004
Can anyone tell me what I should be earning (based in North Yorkshire) per hour for enough to pay my way once me and my bird get hitched (about a years time)?
We will go straight into a mortgage (£125000 by then?), and will need to run a car each, no kids straight away though (phew! I'd be knackered). Although she will be on about £14000 - 15000 by then), Which should help!
Any one have any idea?Posted by stevekennedy (stevekennedy), 21 January 2004
Hi Thirsk
A word of caution. Are you slef-employed? If you've recently become self-employed, the mortgage people will likely want to see three years accounts before giving a mortgage. I came across this problem a few years ago when I was starting out. Have a chat with a mortgage advisor, although be careful, they promise the earth and sometimes they don't deliver This was also my experience.
SteveKPosted by STEVE71163 (Steve Lowe), 21 January 2004
Hi Thirskman
I think this will be impossible for anyone to answer because they don't know your personal circumstances. Best get advice from your accountant
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