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Some 1 tried to steal my work

Posted by sham33 (sham33), 3 March 2004
I'm sure u have all heard about bogus window cleaners going round to collect money on your behalf. Well thats not happened to me but yesterday 1 of my customers told me that 2 window cleaners for a want of a better word, had been knocking on all my customers doors telling them that i had sold my round to them.

This is a blatant lie. All the work was in a small close, luckily all my customers were in and i managed to explain the situation.

I cant believe there nerve, how did they think they were going to get away with it  Huh

Anyway, I'm going to print a letter for all my customers telling them that i have no intention of selling my work and if i did i would let them know well in advance, also I'm going to mention the money collecting scam.

I'm not going to make life easy for scum like that. Maybe u should all take the same measures.

Thank you

Posted by Silly_Philly (Philip Hanson), 3 March 2004
Hi Robert,

I'm sorry to hear about that problem cropping up again.  The same thing happened to me a few years ago.  Fortunately for me, the first customer they spoke to knew me personally, and that I had not sold the round.

However at least one customer paid them, which I was infuriated at, and they felt embarrassed about.  I told them I'd do the next time for free, as it wasn't their fault they'd been conned (nor was it mine, but I felt sorry for them!)

Not only is this a scummy thing to do, it is also illegal.  "Obtaining monies by deception" and tresspassing.

Anyway, I'm going to print a letter for all my customers telling them that i have no intention of selling my work and if i did i would let them know well in advance, also I'm going to mention the money collecting scam.

Best thing to do, make sure to tell them that if it happens they should call the police.

Somebody I know had a worse thing happen - the scamster called on his customers saying that the round had been taken over, was paid.  When my friend came the customers were confused, and no matter how much explaining was done were suspicious still.  In the end most of them said they didnt want to get involved in a "window cleaning war" and he lost them.  The last I heard was that the scamster, who was not long out of prison, was doing them.

You have my sympathy mate, get those letters done as quickly as possible!


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