Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.
Help Please.Risk assessments, Method StatementsPosted by shinnyshinner (shinnyshinner), 29 September 2003
Can anyone help?
Has anyone a template of Risk assessments, Method Statements I can have in a battle for a job customer is pulling all the strings and out of nowhere said he wanted these documents.
For window Cleaning and Office Cleaning well in trouble any leads I will be very grateful.
Posted by matt (matt), 29 September 2003
they are 2 seperate things mate
i spoke to my health and sfety mate, and he said he can sort you out
just needs to know exactly what you needPosted by shinnyshinner (shinnyshinner), 29 September 2003
Hi matt.
1 risk assessment for window cleaning and another for Office Cleaning
And method statement for both the same
Cheers Matt
AlanPosted by shinnyshinner (shinnyshinner), 29 September 2003
Hi matt
Thanks for your reply do you have these two for your work? cant believe it been doing job for years and never been asked for these before. Never mind.
Are these two quite involved and once got can they be used for every job in its category.
Cheers Alan Posted by gibbouk (gibbouk), 30 September 2003
i have some i found on the net if you want them message me as i cant remeber where i found them they are excel filesPosted by karlosdaze (karlosdaze), 30 September 2003
I have just sent you 3.
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