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Removing Thompsons Water Seal from glass?

Posted by Neil (wylie), 15 January 2004
I was cleaning one of my regulars today and noticed the blade dragging  Huh
when I had finished the glass looked real bad so I knocked to ask if something had happened since my last visit. Huh
It seems hubby had been doing some DIY on the outside walls with Thompsons Water Seal and in the process had covered most of the ground floor windows and the car!  Embarassed Cry Sad
He tried to get it off the glass using white spirit but it has left an opaque film covering the windows.
I  polished with a dry scrim and it did remove some of it but to do that on all the windows will take hours and they cant afford to pay me what it would cost  
She said can you think of something that will remove it quickly?

I said no but I know a man who will!!!!!

Posted by Bones (Bones), 16 January 2004
Try Oil-Flo 141, i've started to live by it, haha Grin

Posted by Neil (wylie), 16 January 2004
Thanks for the reply Mikey
I was beginning to think I was the only one that could see this post Wink
I will get some Oil flow and give it a go Smiley
I will let you know if it works Smiley
Posted by zymotik (zymotik), 20 January 2004

Use PVC Solvent (polish off with your scrim). My bro's a builder and I'm a window cleaner... handy combination...

Take it easy lads.
Posted by crystal (crystal), 26 January 2004
on 01/16/04 at 18:30:49, wylie wrote:
Thanks for the reply Mikey
I was beginning to think I was the only one that could see this post Wink
I will get some Oil flow and give it a go Smiley
I will let you know if it works Smiley

wylie How did you get on with oilflo ive got the same problem if it works ill have to buy some absolutely  
smeared in tws Angry Angry
could take some time Undecided

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