Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Seasonal peaks and troughsPosted by bobh (bobh), 16 September 2003
I've been running my carpet & upholstery business since march this year doing mostly domestic work and have been advertising successfully in the local paper, dropping leaflets and am now in the yellow pages . Since the beginning of september business has all but dried up. Could someone who has been around for a while tell me whether this is a normal seasonal dip or am I missing something? Also when are the recognised seasonal up's and downs for those who have not yet established themselves?Posted by Derek (Derek), 16 September 2003
Hi Bob
Most of the cleaners I know are extremely busy at the moment.
What you have to take into consideration is the fact that most have been around for years and have a good client base to work with.
The quietest time of year is the two or three months after Christmas so now is the time to do any marketing.
Advertising .... it takes months for your name to become known ... just make sure that you do a good job and give a good service so that each customer becomes a salesperson for you.
A clean well signwritten van is a 'must' as everytime you drive around you are advertising your business.. this has to be the cheapest form of advertising for you.
Come along to the Show in Wolverhampton... talk and meet other cleaners you will pick up a lot of tips there I guarantee
DerekPosted by bobh (bobh), 18 September 2003
Thanks for that. I will be at the show on Friday and look forward to talking to some of you experienced guys.
BobPosted by woodman (woodman), 18 September 2003
Goes with the territory I am afraid we've all been there .
When I first started it got to the point where I was sure my calls were being diverted by a rival because no one was getting through to me ; I know.
As Derek says February,March are generally slow months (unless lots of lovely storms).
When the kids are on holidays is another time mum can't be bothered while the little darlings need amusing and of course summer hols.
Just plan ahead and you'll be fine
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