Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.
What's the cost of a new roundPosted by Skowee (Skowee), 3 November 2003
Hi all
Thanks for the info on GG4 the other day, I've got an order in place at scrimcity as we speak.
Here's another question for you all.
I have been doing some work for somebody who now wants to sell the 2 rounds. He says he has been offered 4 times the monthly amount, but will sell it to me for 3 times the monthly amount. Is this the right price or is he extracting the urine.
ThanksPosted by Majestic (Majestic), 3 November 2003
Would you sell something for 3 times when you could get 4 times the amount for it
I think he is just trying to get as much for them as he can . Do you need more work , do you think that it is worth 3 times or just 2 , if you want the work I would offer him twice the amount and see what he says
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