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Sky sport stickers on glass

Posted by STEVE71163 (Steve Lowe), 5 November 2003
I have just finished a local pub that i clean and when i went to squeegee the glass on the inside all of the ink off of the stickers run off and made a right mess Shocked Has anyone else had this problem lately Huh

Steve Lowe
Posted by Majestic (Majestic), 5 November 2003
Not  had that problem with ink but I do a chip shop and they have the opening times on the  inside window in stickers, they have started to peel off . I told the owner that he used cheap lettering  and he agreed Cool
Posted by Plymouth_Cleaning (Plymouth_Cleaning), 9 December 2003
i started 7 years ago
and the problem has been in my dads shops for 20 years....he just doest use soap
i now clean them and rince out my mop firt ...they are still ok after 7 years...(peeling stickers)

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