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Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.


Posted by D.Salkeld_Ltd (D.Salkeld_Ltd), 4 March 2004
Smiley I Just wanted to say thanks for the help you all gave me before Christmas in finding reasonable Employers Liability Insurance.  It has enabled me to get my business going again.

A bit about D.Salkeld Ltd.

I am David Salkeld from Louth in Lincolnshire 42 years old married with one 14yr old daughter.  I have been window Cleaning for 17 years I have 2 working for me and am now trying to expand the company.
Posted by simonb (simonb), 4 March 2004
Why did u set up a ltd co?
Posted by D.Salkeld_Ltd (D.Salkeld_Ltd), 4 March 2004
I set up Ltd because my Accountant showed me it would be tax effective and it separates buisiness from personal
Posted by Silly_Philly (Philip Hanson), 4 March 2004
Hi David,

I'm glad you've found the forum useful, many other members have been benefitted by the knowledge and experience of fellow cleaners.

Well done on getting your business going again, EL insurance is becomming increasingly expensive and difficult to obtain.  The fact that you don't legally have to have it with only 2 employee's shows that you are committed to working professionally.

We look forward to your comments in some of the topics, and don't be shy to start a new topic yourself!

Posted by D.Salkeld_Ltd (D.Salkeld_Ltd), 4 March 2004
Thanks Phill,

I'm getting a bit of stick on the other issue I posted!!

My on call Fireman

The others seem to think I'm a Full time Fireman doing window cleaning "on the side"


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