Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.
looking to buy roundPosted by deano (deano), 11 December 2003
looking to buy new round tamworth staffs or surrounding area cnt craig 07815545858Posted by dean1979 (dean1979), 14 December 2003
thank you for your message. what i have is a round consisting of 118 customers,i t takes me 3 days aweek. starting at 9 and finishing at 2. this brings in around £900 every 4 experienced cleaner would be quicker than me as i have only just started cleaning windows, this round is extremely expandable. my reason for selling is another business oppertunity that needs funding, therefore, if i cant sell for the required amount iwill keep the round. i'm selling for £3000 or nearest offer. many thanks dean
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