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Scrubber Dryers & burnisher

Posted by Happyeater (Happyeater), 7 April 2004
OMM 700 Scrubber Dryer 28 inch, 3 yr old, in good order, £310.00

OMM 860 Scrubber Dryer 32 inch, 3 yr old, in good order, £362.00

Nilfisk Ride on burnisher Model 5680, 27 inch, 3 yr old, in good order, £464.00

Tennant 5680 Scrubber Dryer, 34 inch, 2 yr 4 months old. In good order, £429 per month for 8 months (to pay off remainder of lease)

All above equipment have been in safe storage for 8 months, used to work at a Makro site.

For details please ring Ernie on 0771 7711242.

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