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Upvc frame cleaners

Posted by reviveadrive (reviveadrive), 1 September 2003
Does anyone have an interest in Upvc frame cleaners?
Posted by shinnyshinner (shinnyshinner), 1 September 2003
I have tried quite a few products but my opinion is that you can not beat ammonia this can be used to wash down plastics, paint work nearly anything does not streak wash on then rinse and only costs around £1-£2 for 500ml.
Posted by gibbouk (gibbouk), 2 September 2003
what dilution do you use for amonia i am in the middle of a big facia contract and it could be better than what i am using
Posted by shinnyshinner (shinnyshinner), 2 September 2003
I personally make my solution as strong as possible (350ml-500ml to a gallon), but for the recommended dose I think it is 100ml-250ml to 1 Gallon of water as there are different health and safety issues with this sort of thing you will have to look into this yourself if you work for yourself then it is up to you but be careful when applying I usually use a pair of rubber gloves and watch your eyes for splashes I use goggles once you have applied rinse off. There is also a strong smell from ammonia but I give the customer plenty of warning and they seem fine by it I have had no come backs I have also used on stain glass windows (use a weaker solution) and the results are very good as amonia does not seem to streak like as when using washing liquids and polishes up quite well.
Also works wonders on alloy wheels
Hope this helps. Alan

Posted by Clean_Waterless (Clean_Waterless), 6 September 2003

The products we use for Waterless Car Cleaning are designed for cleaning plastics. They also protect the surface so it remains cleaner longer adding to the quality of service provided, not a false economy!

Vist our web site for more info

Kind regards

Gary Mansfield
The Waterless Car Cleaning Company Ltd.

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