Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.
Whats the best W.F.P. Trolley System on the marketPosted by heritage (heritage lee), 11 April 2004
Hi all, Just wondering if you can help?
Whats the best trolley System on the market from all your points view?
What Companies make trolley systems?
Heights of poles?
and other info that you feel is relevant in helping me to decide what system is the best and the best value for money.
Any links to Websites would be gladly appreciated.
LeePosted by Silly_Philly (Philip Hanson), 11 April 2004
Some Links:
Ionic systems - good quality kit, but not cheap. However it is all crash-tested.
Pure2O - A relative newcommer but again good quality kit that has been crash-tested.
Brodex Machine Services - Good looking kit, They've just brought a new range of machines out.
Aqua-Tec - Peter Fogwill's site. Good trolley system
Omnipole - They do the Omnitrolley. Justin will be able to tell you all about it (with pics as well)
There are a few others flying around but I dont know the URLs
-PhilipPosted by wrighty (wrighty), 11 April 2004
Hey Silly How are you,
Good reply there I did look at omnipole and I find it exactly the same trolley as I have seen at the Brodex site. I will be getting a trolle system soon but like Lee I am carefully deciding which one is best.
Will you pm me with a reply to my mesage to you a few days ago.
All The Best Everyone & Happy Easter
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