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help needed please

Posted by acleanerplace (acleanerplace), 4 November 2003
hi folks help needed  Huh Grin

i have been asked to price up the cleaning of 5 escalators to roto wash  them and all the sides reckon will take 8 hours a Huhny advice to clean them rather than rotawash or help with how much i should charge

thanking you all in advance

mike Grin

Posted by catrodney (catrodney), 5 November 2003
Hi Mike,
See you have no replies! so hopefully i can point you in the right direction.
Depending where you are based there is a brilliant company in Manchester called CCM who supply esculater cleaning machines and the good news is that they also hire the machines out even weekends, it gets better they will either train you or supply man and machine, As for price only you know what the job is worth and there are many things to consider,ie are you having to carryout the work during the night or weekend? You can contact CCM on 0870 220 0575 .
hope this is of some help.

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