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NVQ for window cleaners?

Posted by Central (Central), 7 October 2003
Does anyone have any information on these NVQ's you can take as I may be interested in them - is there any sites I can check out or someone I can contact?

Posted by windows_chepstow (windows_chepstow), 8 October 2003
I'm sure the Federation of Cleaners and Window Cleaners run them.  Have a look at their website (I haven't got the address, but just type in the title, I'm sure you'll find it).

You might have to join first!

Tosh (windows_chepstow)
Posted by Andrew (Andrew), 10 October 2003
Does anyone have any information on these NVQ's you can take as I may be interested in them -

What do you want to know about them? I helped write them. I provide them!

You were referred to the NFMW&GC but i can assure you that unless you are in Scotland (where SVQ's prevail) there is no one on the Fed staff even remotely qualified to provide the range of skills you will need for your NVQ. Previouly i served as the NFMW&GC National Education and Training Officer

is there any sites I can check out or someone I can contact?

There is a site i can point you to with lots of info about all the cleaning NVQ's.  Also go to the look up the postings here about the NFMW&GC where today i posted information for others asking about NVQ's.

Andrew from Edu-Clean
Posted by Central (Central), 10 October 2003
I am a member of the fed already, What is the website for the NVQ's so I can check it out.  Im interested in price, whats covered, timescale, how to apply that sort of thing.  Thanks for the posts

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