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Attack of the Killer Eggs!!!

Posted by Ken (Ken), 31 October 2003
The egg-throwing season is upon us!!! What have you found to be the best way to get eggy residue off windows?
Posted by sham33 (sham33), 31 October 2003
Had that a few times. Had to use a lot of soapy water and a scraper. Stinks as well  Lips Sealed
Posted by simonb (simonb), 31 October 2003
GG4 works well
Posted by shinnyshinner (shinnyshinner), 31 October 2003
I had my 1st egg today and must say pain in the arse as the customer left it on to go hard only thing to do plenty of liquid and a scraper. and stinks the cloths out do you find?
I once had a lady who tryed wiping it off and you guessed it scratched the window nightmare stuff.
Posted by STEVE71163 (Steve Lowe), 1 November 2003
I had one on one of my shops this morning Angry It took ages but all you can use as Alan says is plenty of water and a scraper Roll Eyes


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