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General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.

Floor Mat Rental

Posted by heritagecleaning (heritagecleaning), 5 February 2004
I'm considering various sidelines to my main office cleaning activity and this looks like an interesting one.

I was wondering if anyone out there is doing this and if they could tell me:

-a good source to buy mats
-how best to clean them
-what to charge for the service
-how best to promote this service

I'd be grateful for any advice.
Many thanks

Posted by Fox (Fox), 5 February 2004
Hi Owen

We do provide this service however we sub contract.

The company you choose to sub contract to will change the mats and launder them on an agreed basis, weekly fornightly etc.

Look through your yellow pages for a firm, get a quotation and add a small % to your quotation.  Most of these firms charge yearly in advance for their services so make sure you understand their terms before signing up.

First of all approach all of your exsisting clients and find out when their contract is due for renewal.  You may find though that alot of companies not only have their mat service from the same supplier but their towels and tea towels laundered aswell, so make sure you've done your homework on these products too.

Posted by petra (petra), 5 February 2004
I use a similar service as fox and it works for me....

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