Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
HelloPosted by MB (MB), 23 October 2003
Hi folks.
Congratulations on the board.
One thing i noitice first off compared to the "other" carpet cleaners board
There is none of the "my truckmount is bigger than yours " syndrome and "oh yes I do 30 jobs a week blah blah blah blah" rubbish.
And look what "new" toy i've just bought " etc etc etc
I for one will be visiting this board more often .
Keep it up.
Lets keep out the b******ers lol
PPS Hi Mike how u doing.Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 23 October 2003
' keep out the bull@h#ers' Its too late your here .
plus mine is bigger than yours
and I charge £5,00 a /yard and sell protector on every job
MikePosted by Jim_Lynch (Jim_Lynch), 23 October 2003
G'day from down under.
Board looks good...has Brain Tilton discovered it yet
Jim? Posted by MB (MB), 23 October 2003
Hiya Mike,
Oh b#@$# so I am here hahhaha.
Thats nothing I do 100 jobs a week at £200 per job and i am home by dinnertime
I buy me self a new t/m every month lol
Jim, funnily enugh I was alking to another CC last night about this board and I mentioned Mr Tilton and said maybe it shouldnt be a good idea to inform him of this board, he he
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