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Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.

I would like peoples opinions please!!!

Posted by andy (andy), 18 October 2003
Im thinking of starting a business where i would collect fresh residential customers and sell them on for an agreed price with new starters and pro's all over the country.

It saves time to do more window cleaning, its not buying 2nd hand business, and the prices per clean can be agreed with both party's, me and the buyer.

I have 2 choices:-  

I could make and sell a round to the buyers requirments.

Or i could have a bank of customers through out the United Kingdom and sell them off to different buyers.

Both of these options can be done by monthly payments or buy out right cheaply.


Posted by The_Fed_Man (The_Fed_Man), 18 October 2003

We looked into this locally years ago when I was expanding and building up residential business.  I concluded that although it can be done, the price fetched for a round, typically 3 x per monthly take, compared to the amount of hours canvassing and setting up (You'll require a dedicated employee to keep up with the work), you can make more money window cleaning without all the extra aggro.  If you could fetch say 6 x, as is average for buying a business, it might be a viable proposition.

Never tried it nationally though! Roll Eyes
Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 18 October 2003
Sounds OK in principle and I'm sure it would work in your own locality but I think you'd struggle to do it nationally!
Trying to co-ordinate staff in your own office is hard enough - doing it from one end of the country to another....rather you than me Undecided
Posted by Majestic (Majestic), 18 October 2003
Andy ,
How would you get the customers Huh Cool
Posted by STEVE71163 (Steve Lowe), 18 October 2003
Hi andy,
           I think like Fed Man and Mike has said it would be more hassle than it would be worth. Smiley

Steve Lowe

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