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Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.

Scratched Glass..Poles Fault?

Posted by sean_rimmer (Dom Matrix aka BRODEX), 13 January 2004
All pole users.
All window cleaners at some time will have come across instances where they are in the frame for damage to glass, frames, building fabric etc.
 Pole operators tend to be more susceptible to these accusations, as clients see big poles moving around the building and assume if there is damage, the "big pole" probably caused it.
 What experience have you had ?, good or bad and how did you overcome any issues that have arisen, eg. not paid, lost contract, even sued..! Conventional window cleaners are aware of manufacturing defects to glass that can cause "scratches" the first time new windows are cleaned, however some pole operators, new to the marketplace, may not be aware of the pitfalls.

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