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Posted by Ivar_Haglund (Ivar_Haglund), 10 November 2003
Grin Cheesy Roll Eyes

who might be doing this?

I am making gift bags with bottle of spotter fridge magnet
Norwegian chocolate

great way to make the folks remember your service

Always under promise and over deliver.

Gets them every time

almost every time

every once in awhile?


Posted by MB (Mark Betts), 11 November 2003

How about a spotting guide as well
Posted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 11 November 2003
Envirodri do a nice little EnviroDri Emergency Spotting Kit
costs about £4.00 they have a special offer on at the moment i give these to every customer who has their carpet cleaned.I used to give them the Host spotting kit but they are too expensive at £12 but just incorporate the cost into your quote so everyones a winner Wink

Posted by Jim_Lynch (Jim_Lynch), 11 November 2003
Do you provide instructions on how to best smear the chocolate into the carpet, as well as how to get it out? Smiley


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