Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.
The new guy needs your help with facias!!Posted by Bones (Bones), 23 September 2003
Hi again fellow cleaners.
During my canvassing today I had two ladies ask me if I would do their facias and gutters before the winter sets in. I told them I would get back to them before I clean their windows for them next month but,.... I have no idea what to charge for facias and gutters? do I give myself an hourly rate?? or do you guys have a set charge for this kind of work??
If you could be of any help I would be most grateful.
They are both 3 bed semi'sPosted by shinnyshinner (shinnyshinner), 23 September 2003
Hi bones depending on size I usually charge £5 aside if property has 4 gully sides -£7.50 a side if only 2 sides, dig out and wash £15 - £20 Hr.
High fasias going into a point at side of propery with no gullys, seperate same sort of price
Alan Posted by luap (luap), 24 September 2003
i charge £60 to £80...depending on where the house is(price of houses).
paul.Posted by Majestic (Majestic), 25 September 2003
I charge per foot / sorry meter, depending on the house .If its a little terrace my price per foot is a little lower than if its a 5 bedroom job Posted by Rob_B (Rob_B), 25 September 2003
I usually charge £15 for a terrace/small semi as most only have gutters back and front, but the bigger the house the higher the price. Posted by steve_massey (steve_massey), 2 October 2003
For a 3bed semi we charge £25 for gutters thats 3 sides.
For facias about £35. And for cleaning upvc window frames we charge £55. Hope that helps Posted by steve-mark (steve-mark), 6 October 2003
I charge no less than £40 for gutters and facias and I wipe down the down pipes as well. this depends on the size of the property of couse. but do chage up to £65.
Hope this helps
Steve @ Tone Clean Taunton Zomerzet Posted by Bones (Bones), 7 October 2003
cheers buddies, great help
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