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wearing in scrim

Posted by samm (samm), 1 January 2004
hello guys

just bought a load of new scrim, do u think I getaway with washing them 10 times to break them in, or do ya be patient and keep working them till they r ready Huh they will be handy for someone working for me tomorrow, any tips much appreciated, coz I'm feeling lazy & hungover


Posted by STEVE71163 (Steve Lowe), 1 January 2004
Hi Samm,
            I think that the only way is to put them in a boil wash and then wear them in like normal.  

Posted by jonesy5 (jonesy5), 1 January 2004
i boil them in a pan of water for about 10 mins then rinse them give a good shake then let them dry then stick them in wash normaly gives good results

Posted by (, 1 January 2004
I buy pre-washed and leave it till all my other scrim is wet and start using it then, that way it is worked in slowly
Posted by samm (samm), 1 January 2004
hi guys

I have already boil washed when I first got them, but like u all know the're not too absorbant & leaves strands till after about month of use, spose its just 1 of those things we have to live with  Sad

cheers all

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