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Window cleaning rounds for sale?

Posted by Service_Champion (Service_Champion), 11 September 2003
Hi everyone, where is the best place to find out about window cleaning rounds for sale?


Stewart (Service Champions)
Posted by gibbouk (gibbouk), 12 September 2003
local paper is the best start.. why buy if you got a month to learn to clean and canvess you can get enough to start. keep canvessing and in no time you will have a good round. there can be problems taking over someone elses round. any help contact me
Posted by STEVE71163 (Steve Lowe), 12 September 2003
Sometimes you see rounds in the paper but i would not buy as its easy to canvas and build your own. If you worked for 6 hours a day and canvassed for 2 you would get loads of work door knocking.


Steve Lowe
Posted by Rob_B (Rob_B), 14 September 2003
I wouldn't bother buying a round. I started about a year ago with 12 customers in my spare time. since then I have finished my job to work for myself and have more work than I can handle all through word of mouth.

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