Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.
High Rise trainingPosted by samjam (samjam), 28 August 2003
Im hoping to move to OZ soon and have been window cleaning for 4 yrs.Im hoping to start up over there and want some experience in abseil cleaning and crable work.Anyone any ideas where to get some training.CheersPosted by Novice (Novice), 30 August 2003
Hey Sam I'm moving over to Oz soon and am looking to start a capet cleaning busssiness might see you there where are you looking to go ?Posted by samjam (samjam), 30 August 2003
hoping to go new south wales as this is where the work is.Heard about carpet cleaning,seems like theres plenty out there.Hoping to go in next few months.Are you getting a franchisePosted by karlosdaze (karlosdaze), 16 September 2003
I worked in Sydney as a window cleaner for a while.
Its all cradle work there!
Forget carpets, everyone has floor tiles.
Karl.Posted by Andrew (Andrew), 17 September 2003
The window cleaning NVQ covers cradle work but not abseiling. You need to keep in mind that comprehensive cradle training is not generic but peculiar to the system and site in question. You would be making a life threatening mistake if you were to assume that generic training in the UK would be all that you would need to make you a safe cradle operative in Australia. Andrew from Edu-Clean.
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