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PURE WATER..(again!)

Posted by anderclean (anderclean), 11 November 2003
hi guys
been reading this forum for a couple of days now....... loads of terrific info..
Have been a shinner on and of over 20 years now and recently, I've to build another business.
I've been out and helped a friend a couple of days now who uses the ''reach and wash'' kit from ott (I don't know any specs..) working only on residential (mainly big houses) but says he has lost loads due to customers complainig about spotting etc..
He employs a guy to follow him tidying and squeeging off etc..
Now before you say it ...... yes - it does defeat the point some what - however he still gets a load more work done (more coffers at the end of the day).
He's been 1 year now ladderless.
He says that when they did the 'demo' if he had the pressure up that high he only last under half a day!
He also says some windows love the 'pure' and some don't - type of glass I mean. Is that rightHuh
How do you guys with 'pure' get on with residential - or don't you!
Any feedback much appreciated

Posted by easycleanwindows (easycleanwindows), 11 November 2003
Hi first of all im not trying to tell your friend to suck eggs but cleaning with high reach poles on residential and commercial buildings with high reach pure water poles is better than using squegge.If spotting is occuring there can be many factors for this happening.
1:is a tdi reading being taken reguarly
2:is the resin being changed in all three cylinders when they should be?
3:spotting occurs mainly when the window after cleaning has not been rinsed properly this happens when drips of dirt from the frame goes onto the glass in the 12 months ive been using high reach ive nver had one customer come back or loose any se we make sure all the above are applied
Posted by Polepro (Polepro), 12 November 2003
Just like squeegees some window cleaners use waterfed poles well some do not. If you do not change the rubber in your squeegee often enough you will make a poor job. If you have a Reach & Wash system and you do not change the filters often enough then you will make a poor job. Some folks say that you only need to change the filters once a year and thats fine if you want to save money in maintaining your investment. However you can make much more money that you can save if you do replace the filters more often. Satisfied customers pay better, come back for more and recommend your service.

Posted by anderclean (anderclean), 12 November 2003
thanks guys
so with everything set up and working as they should be (and a competent operator) are these systems almost infalable -  spot free/imaculate Huh...or at least superb....or is that just the feedback from the sales people......
How are they on leaded (old or new),..georgion ?
Any and all feedback appreciated

Posted by Polepro (Polepro), 13 November 2003

Some windows have a coating that repells the water so that it can be difficult to get a perfect finnish, but otherwise in the hands of someone who knows what they are doing by folowing a simple process and maintaining the filter system perfect results are the norm. I can't fail to be impressed every time I use my Reach & Wash system, the glass is just perfect frame to frame and the windows do actually stay cleaner for longer. Its fantastic on leaded windows, in fact I've done some church windows and historic buildings with great results, good for georgian too so long as the window frames are in good nick. If the paint is all flaking off and the putty is falling out it can take a few cleans before you rinse all of the crap away. The sort of customers you want are the ones who are prepared to pay for a good service so their windows are usually in good condition anyway.

Posted by anderclean (anderclean), 13 November 2003
Thanks Tom (and Steve)

So Tom - 'some windows have a coating' - so maybe this is what he meant by 'different types of glass' !
that was real interesting......
Are there any other guys with 'pure' about out there wouldn't mind sharing their experience with us.
These systems are a big investment- money and time !
So any help (positive or negative) very much appreciated.

Posted by anderclean (anderclean), 15 November 2003
GUYS !!!

is there only 2 guys with 'pure water systems' on this forum willing to share some information ! ? ! .......

Posted by anderclean (anderclean), 21 November 2003
any one using the 'thermo pure' unit.........
or heated water fed work ?
Is it any good / worth the extra investment ?

Any one using the 'reach and vac' system ........ how's that...... can you clean (empty) out gutters etc. with it ??

All feed back appreciated
Posted by paul (paul), 23 November 2003

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