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Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.


Posted by Pete_Riley (Pete_Riley), 29 March 2004
Hey all,
          what is the best solution for cleaning upvc windows and conservatories etc.And is there a technique.Thanks
Posted by stevey331 (stevey331), 29 March 2004
hiya i was told to use cif try it
Posted by Pete_Riley (Pete_Riley), 29 March 2004
Thanks Steve will try
Posted by dave_carroll (dave_carroll), 4 April 2004
be careful with cif it's abrasive & scratches (i've been told) i use a specialist cream cleaner on an open weave cloth buffs up to a nice shine.
 but i got mine from a local plastic supplyer.
Posted by Tam1967 (Tam1967), 4 April 2004
I agree dave cif is abrasive.
As much as i hate the stuff, i use windolene on stubborn stains on sills, frames, soffits and fascias it works a treat.

Posted by mickeyfat (VGC), 4 April 2004

What would get this looking like NEW

Any cluesHuh?


Thanks in advance

Its  on every window and its a BIG house!

The owner didnt realise it they left the plastic on it woulnt come off!!

Posted by D.Salkeld_Ltd (D.Salkeld_Ltd), 4 April 2004
Hi Vince

You've got a hell of a job there only way I can think of is to carefully peel the plastic off then clean with a non abbrasive cleaner like Flash.  But warn the customer it'll cost them a bomb!

D.Salkeld ltd
Posted by WavieDavie (WavieDavie), 4 April 2004
Tell your customer to get back to the installers, who should have taken this stuff off before they left - ask them to come back and refurbish the windows.

Then again, if they've signed the job off and paid, they deserve what they've got . . .?

Why don't you contact the installers for advice, Vince? Going by the style of frame, there's a chance that you'll find the manufacturers name, and date of the job, on the inside part of the frame, between the two sheets of glass.

Have fun!

Oh, and how's the back? Or should I not ask?

Posted by stevekennedy (stevekennedy), 4 April 2004
I've heard that lighter fluid will dissolve some glues that are used on labels etc.

Warning! Do Not use when smoking!  Grin
Posted by mickeyfat (VGC), 4 April 2004
ok thanks

I thought there might had been a chemical or some product our there somwereSad(

Posted by karlosdaze (karlosdaze), 4 April 2004
Use plastic gloves-it'll dry your skin out.
Respirator, well thats the H&S of it.

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