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window cleaning moter show

Posted by mickeyfat (VGC), 31 January 2004
another silly question from a newbie Embarassed

is there a big national windowcleaning the earls court motershow..hehe

i sound sad its not for a day out , strictly business and all that Wink it would be interesting to see loads of stalls with different poducts you could see and touch rather than look on the pc or go to the local suppliers Grin
Posted by peterf (peterf), 31 January 2004
Yes, have a look at the FED site at

Posted by mickeyfat (VGC), 31 January 2004
ta  Cheesy
another silly question(full of em tonite)
where was last years held?..just wanted to see some pics..i noticed the 2003 nec cleaning show on google.... that not the same then?

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