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Window Cleaners Leg!

Posted by gleamteamni (gleamteamni), 5 April 2004
My brother in law who works for me always ends up soaking from the blade holster, I have tried almost everything to prevent the water soaking through to the skin.  Does anyone have any tips or ideas or is there something on the market to prevent this?  Any comments or ideas gratefully appreciated.

Posted by g_griffin (g_griffin), 5 April 2004
Use a  bucket on a belt to hold your squeegees. The water runs down into the bucket rather than down your leg. Your blades are easier to get in and out too.

Posted by gleamteamni (gleamteamni), 5 April 2004
Hi Gerry

Sorry!!  Should have made myself a bit clearer we do have the buckets but where the squeegee sits at the top seems to saturate our trousers does this happen to you?  

Posted by D.Salkeld_Ltd (D.Salkeld_Ltd), 5 April 2004

Is your Bucket on a Belt an Unger one or an Ettore

Posted by gleamteamni (gleamteamni), 5 April 2004
Hi David

I have the Unger belt and Bucket, I haven't heard of Ettore are they any better?

Posted by D.Salkeld_Ltd (D.Salkeld_Ltd), 5 April 2004

Are you filling the bucket too full. I often do and get e wet leg!

Posted by gleamteamni (gleamteamni), 5 April 2004
                       only xcess  from  mop,
the top of mop is rubbing on trousers which in turn
is causing  skinburn onhis thy.

Posted by WavieDavie (WavieDavie), 6 April 2004
Forget that it's called a bucket on a belt, only use it to carry your MOIST, not soaking, applicator and blade. Don't use it as a reservoir, that's how you're getting the soggy leg from the drips, overflow, call it what you will.

If you try Unger Monsoon sleeves, which seem to hold the most water, you might even get away with one "dip" per house. Dip your applicator in the bucket and squeeze off the excess liquid. The more you put on, the more you have to clear up later.

Have fun!
Posted by gleamteamni (gleamteamni), 6 April 2004
hi Waviedavie  
                   thanks for the tip,will try less water on the
If i can help anyother WCs out their get in touch.


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