Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.
Van Heater for wfp systemPosted by easycleanwindows (easycleanwindows), 2 March 2004
Is anyone having problems with frozen pipes in the mornig after a hard freeze?If you are using a wfp system could i ask what heating system you are using ive tried three different heating ways and none have worked apart from completey lagging out the van roof and sides.
All ideas appreciatedPosted by poleman (PoleMan), 2 March 2004
Easy clean,
try a green house heater in the van works for me
fed member Posted by easycleanwindows (easycleanwindows), 2 March 2004
Hi Andy which one ive tried one wouldnt heat a pair of shoes electric?parrafin?size?
ThanksPosted by poleman (PoleMan), 2 March 2004
i use a Parasene Frost Shield Electric Heater about 40 pounds at homebase, my system is in a Ifor Williams Trailer (bit smaller than a van) had socket put in the side to power it, mite pay to try a Paraffin Heater if its is no good then most stores now days will refund you if thats the case. but this time of the year your ROs need protecting because of the membranes being so thin.
fed memberPosted by stevekennedy (stevekennedy), 2 March 2004
We throw 4 big blankets over the whole system. We have also used a paraffin greenhouse heater. It worked well.
For our system, we have been advised to heat the water using the thermopure unit for about an hour in the evening. This is enough to keep the system frost free. We still chuck the blankets on though.
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