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Posted by Majestic (Majestic), 22 September 2003
How wet does it have to be until you call it a day Huh
It s throwing it down  here in Fleetwood , so I am catching up on the books ,postmans just been looks like a drowned rat and to my suprise a window cleaner is working across the road , he can`t squeegee the water off quick enough Shocked I dont mind a bit of drizzle,but I dont like to get to wet Cool
Posted by STEVE71163 (Steve Lowe), 22 September 2003
Hi John,
          We call it a day in anything more than light drizzle because the customers dont like it and i dont either Grin

Steve Lowe
Posted by karlosdaze (karlosdaze), 22 September 2003
If we get a cloud, clients dont like to have their windows cleaned. Cool

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